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Why Can't We All Agree On Dog Training Methods?

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Why Can't We All Agree On Dog Training Methods?

In dog training, there are several mixed schools of thoughts. Some trainers prefer "positive only" or "rewards only" methods, while others choose "compulsion" or "consequence" methods. There are trainers who focus heavily on obedience, and then there are those who focus on the dog's natural pack tendencies and hardly teach obedience. So, why can't we all just agree on the best methods?

This is a frustrating thing that dog owners everywhere are finding, and it's one of the reasons why dog owners have a hard time picking a strategy to implement with their dog(s). "If only there was a clear, cut and dry answer to every hurdle with dog behavior, then all dogs would behave perfectly, right?!"

We have to keep in mind that animals, like most things in life, are unpredictable. They are animals. They have instincts that say, "survive". They have genetic coding that says, "tend towards this behavior". Then they have people with whom they co-exist who say, "I like this behavior" and, "I don't like this behavior".

We need to remember that we are first dealing with an animal. Then a dog. Then a breed. Then a pet or pal. In my opinion and experience, most trainers miss the point entirely. By focusing so heavily on "positive only" or "negative only", many professionals miss the point of working with people and dogs. 

I'm not saying that my methods are the most balanced methods out there, but I find that by focusing on a timely, positive reward the very moment the dog does something right, and a timely, negative consequence the very moment the dog does something wrong, the dog understands what I want a lot quicker than focusing only on one or the other. I also find that this concept connects with people more and they can apply the same methods without hesitation. 

When you're learning from dog trainers online, make sure to review whether or not they are certified, how long they've been doing professional dog training for, and what types of things their clients are saying about them in reviews. The internet is a free public bathroom wall of the globe, and anyone can say anything. 

I hope this helps you as you go forward in your dog training knowledge! Go for a walk with your dog today, and then pamper them with a belly rub.