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Ask A Dog Trainer: How do I stop leash reactivity?

Q: How do I stop leash reactivity?

A: Leash reactivity is when the dog you are walking pulls against the leash and / or barks at another dog while walking by. Sometimes their over anxious or over excited energy can be transferred to other dogs that are being walked at the time, or even the handler walking the dogs.

But it's very important to keep in mind that the only reason a dog pulls on a leash is because they believe it will get them to what they want faster. Leash reactivity is reinforced when the dog ends up getting closer to what he wants. Therefore, some trainers will recommend stopping altogether or turning around and going the other direction to redirect the dogs attention.

I prefer to provide a clear correction for the dog doing the wrong behavior, for example, a leash correction in the moment that they start the leash reactivity, and then a reward the moment that they do the right behavior. If the dog responds right away to the leash correction and looks up at me, I'll immediately relax and respond, "good".

Leash reactivity is entirely situation specific. And while it may be frustrating or embarrassing to deal with, the best thing you can do is consult a professional who can observe you and your dog and make sure that your dog is not displaying alarming behaviors such as aggression. And ultimately have a professional like myself show you what to do in your specific case.